Redazione Performant

Ruggero Rabaglia

The HR footprint: meeting with Ruggero Rabaglia (Barilla)

The HR footprint: meeting with Ruggero Rabaglia (Barilla) Every second Tuesday of the month, the Performant by SCOA team gathers for a company brunch, a moment for discussion, team building, and sharing, often featuring a guest speaker.  In September, we invited Ruggero Rabaglia, HR Director for Barilla in Italy, for an insightful conversation. Below is […]

The HR footprint: meeting with Ruggero Rabaglia (Barilla) Read More »

Sicurezza psicologica: quanto influisce su turnover e retention?

Psychological safety: how much does it affect turnover and retention?

What if one feels secure, psychologically speaking, at work? And what if this safety is not there? Data and studies on the subject tell us that it changes a lot. Safety is not simply an advantage but a real need. When it comes to psychological safety, it can make a difference: the positive impacts are

Psychological safety: how much does it affect turnover and retention? Read More »

Feminine leadership: non una questione di genere, ma di sostenibilità

Feminine leadership: not a gender, but a sustainability issue

What are we talking about when we talk about feminine leadership? There still needs to be some clarification about the meaning of this term and a significantly higher awareness of its impact on the work environment in which it is applied and on the well-being (personal and professional) of the people to whom it is

Feminine leadership: not a gender, but a sustainability issue Read More »

I tempi cambiano: quali comportamenti creano valore oggi?

Times are changing: what behaviors create value today?

From a social etiquette to a relational etiquette: over time, the norms of manners have changed, but today, more than ever, in a constantly evolving and increasingly heterogeneous working world, the need arises to create a new code of rules adapted to today’s context, one that allows for relationships, engagement and well-being. Analyzing how behaviors

Times are changing: what behaviors create value today? Read More »

Building an environment we all feel like working in: the importance of leadership (and the help of Coaching) to make it real

In the world of work, until a few years ago, there was a great misconception that equated performance and well-being: those who produce a lot are doing well, are happy, and have found their fulfillment. Today, we have realized this is a false myth and that, on the contrary, very often, those who achieve higher

Building an environment we all feel like working in: the importance of leadership (and the help of Coaching) to make it real Read More »

What if relationships were the key to the development of organizations?

When we think about the factors that can determine the success or failure of an organization, we often consider efficiency, productivity, speed, and the talent of employees. These elements, while relevant, may not be enough. What is increasingly important is to create bonds between people through a relational infrastructure, to increase engagement, motivation, and a

What if relationships were the key to the development of organizations? Read More »

Openness to Change: an attitude to train for managers and teams

When we talk about openness to change, there is one aspect that tends to fall by the wayside, which is that, like all skills, it too can be trained. For companies, effective change training is now fundamental and necessary, but how can it be done? There are three issues worth emphasizing: timing, modality, and, most

Openness to Change: an attitude to train for managers and teams Read More »

More freedom for knowledge workers: dialogue and creativity promote innovation in the company

There is a combination that companies that nowadays want to stand out cannot ignore: managing the immense amount of information that employees receive daily and the constant need for innovation. The combination of these two elements creates novel managerial challenges that have a lot to do with creativity: the activation of creative resources can prove

More freedom for knowledge workers: dialogue and creativity promote innovation in the company Read More »