Can you act
the change?

Change and Transformation
The challenge today is to remain steady in front of the changes that take place in contemporary business. Change and transformation mean the capacity to seize emerging opportunities, exploit the distinctive elements and strengthen those features which give an advantage to the company both at an individual and organisational level.

At a time when a company’s real competitive advantage is its ability to keep up with the changing times and to transform itself, several Change Management studies reveal a 70% failure rate for projects started, a percentage that has remained steady since the 1970s. Why? Because programmes are often designed without an adequate understanding of the behavioural and cultural models in use. The transition to new models simply involves a list of actions that must be taken without considering the effort needed or the difficulty encountered by individuals and groups to abandon the established practices and to take on new ones. A fundamental question to answer is: what can allow us to accompany the phases of discontinuity towards success? Change involves setting aside established practices in favour of new approaches and attitudes. Managers and Leaders play a crucial role in this process: they have to transform the strategic plan into new functional practices. Therefore, they have to identify, promote and train the mindset and the behaviours useful to achieve a defined goal, both at an individual and team level. During this transformation process, it is particularly helpful for the whole organisation to be accompanied by Business Coaches. The evolution of behavioural patterns is the key to the creation of attitude-related value.


  • Acquiring the ability to use listening and observation as sources of learning
  • Developing the intentional practice of alternative behaviours
  • Becoming aware of the emotional resources available, to live the change in a constructive way
  • Training a practice of self-reflection on the results achieved and effects of our behaviour


Giada Tonelli, Senior Consultant and Business Development

The Change and Transformation programmes offered by Performant support the application, diffusion and mutual learning of the behaviours necessary for the transformation of the organisation. The programmes help to identify the competencies available in the company, but not necessarily yet known, and to recognise and train those that are not yet part of the organisation’s assets.


An improved organisational knowledge with regards to the competences which can be exploited.

An active involvement of all resources when exercising and observing the key competencies.

A direct link between the competenceis practiced and organisational performance obtained.

What is leadership, if not constant training and coaching people towards change?


  • Integrates the focus on business with a precise performance target, fully taking into account the client’s operational context to reach tangible results.
  • It uses the main method for developing individual and group behavioural skills: try, test, improve
  • It works on the integration of emotional and cognitive aspects, also using proprietary tools.

dei nostri progetti di Change and Transformation

Co-Designe preparazione

Sessioni di Business Coaching

Coinvolgimento di tutti gli stakeholder

“on the job”

Verifica dell’efficacia dei comportamenti


Insights su Change and Transformation

Deborah Bianchi, Senior Business Coach

Oggi l’approccio Agile sta trasformando il mondo del lavoro e si sta diffondendo rapidamente, sotto varie etichette, in molti settori e in tutti i tipi di (…).

Carlo Boidi, Senior Business Coach

Nel corso della propria carriera, attraversando i diversi livelli organizzativi, ad ogni nuovo passaggio occorre acquisire nuove competenze e adottare nuovi comportamenti.

Giada TonelliSenior Consultant and Business Development

I Leader in ciò giocano un ruolo cruciale: sono chiamati a tradurre questo cambiamento in comportamenti, valorizzando il patrimonio di competenze esistenti (…).


Executive Business Coach, Managing Partner

Executive Business Coach, Partner