Are You ready
for the Green Revolution?
Green shift.
In a world where Nature is increasingly changing, each of us is called upon to change our daily behaviors to save the Earth! In this battle, companies play a crucial role, and It will be the leaders responsibility to guide organizations towards sustainable business.
The awareness of the Earth’s slow decline has led many organizations to integrate ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) strategies within their mission, purpose, and cultural DNA. Today’s achievement is to be able to debunk the myth that organizations must choose between doing financially well versus doing right in relation to the planet. However, the effort of just a handful of people is not enough to save our world, so sustainable leadership, or what we might call even more specifically green leadership, must aim to create broad-based partnerships. The new mindset requires the creation of an organizational culture based on sustainable behaviors and a long-term vision. In the 21st century, the contemporary leader is faced with a new challenge: to adopt, transmit and enhance sustainable behaviors that are compatible with the environment. In concrete terms, leaders will be called upon to be agile in actions and thinking, willing to rethink their business models to respond to the new reality, know how to take advantage of new opportunities, and succeed in turning risks into strategic advantages. The leader’s role becomes that of channeling people in to collaborative action, providing confidence, and direction, and managing the emotional dimension of the organizational ecosystem in relation to the green shift. Why invest in this transformation? Because The so-called “green shift” has come to stay! Policymakers, customers, and even people within organizations demand it. This is precisely why it is now the reality in many organizations. Indeed, the company can be an engine of positive change, but what does that mean in practice?
Organizational Identity
Collaboration and Partnerships
What managerial skills are needed to implement the GREEN SHIFT?
As so often in the contemporary world, the practice toward the green shift also fits into the space between “hard” and “soft” managerial skills. Performant helps leaders and companies develop a portfolio of skills needed to address this delicate and important shift for the future of us all.
Barret Assessment della cultura
Inner development goals framework
Being relating thinking and acting
Insights su GREEN SHIFT
Poche persone non sarebbero d’accordo sul fatto che i nostri comportamenti debbano essere socialmente ed ambientalmente responsabili, ma tra il dire e il fare c’è di mezzo il mare e, continuando con la metafora, oggi, questo mare è soffocato da innumerevoli tonnellate di plastica e tanto altro che, nei nostri oceani, proprio non ci dovrebbero essere…
Un bel giorno, incoraggiata dall’uso massiccio di concimi chimici da parte degli agricoltori circostanti, una piccola alga verde comincia a prosperare in un grandissimo lago. La sua diffusione annua è rapida, ma nessuno se ne preoccupa.
Il fatto che le emozioni abbiano un ruolo fondamentale per i risultati che riusciamo ad ottenere al lavoro ormai è chiaro da tempo. Certamente, ancora in tanti contesti organizzativi si fatica ad affrontare questo territorio scivoloso e complesso e, a volte, poco comprensibile.
Dedicated Coaches
Senior Business Coach, Partner
- Visual thinking
- Disruptive Coaching
- Organisational learning
- Contemporary art
- Change
- Collaboration
- Sharing
- Heart
- Cultural Transformation
- Systemic change
- Sustainable growth
- Service