How can we find
a new common way?

Post-merger Integration and Acquisition
How can we create the conditions for a healthy integration process between two different organisations? How can a relationship of dialogue and mutual exchange between two different organisational cultures be created to build a new one that is capable of enhancing both by valuing the most significant and effective elements of each?

The acquisition of one company by another, perhaps a larger one, entails substantial and significant changes for both realities, on a structural, behavioural and emotional level. Coaching is a support to integrate the two realities, helping them cooperate and work together to optimise performance and achieve the new common objectives. 
Post-merger integration means finding a collaborative dimension in a scenario that risks assuming the dynamics of “predator-prey”, or “conqueror-enemy”, where the company being taken over feels robbed of its identity. The goal is to bring together different business models and logics, mindsets, habits and histories in a nurturing and constructive relationship. It is important to assist this transition on a behavioural, psychological and emotional level, creating effective communication and a common language capable of connecting the two realities. They must understand the value of change and how this constitutes a real opportunity for mutual growth and innovation. This requires that people acquire self-awareness to discover their personal way of dealing with new challenges. This will allow them to find success in the changed conditions and learn to take the positive and profitable aspects of an integration and exploit them for full self-expression, both professional and personal. 



to collaboration


to mutual dialogue and common language


to seizing opportunities for growth


of change to knowing how to stay in the change

Roberto Degli Esposti, Executive Business Coach, Managing Partner

The success of Post-merger Integration has the shape of a new culture that will be created.

Insights su Post-merger

Roberto Degli Esposti, Executive Business Coach, Managing Partner

Quanto può valere un’acquisizione o fusione aziendale? I personaggi coinvolti nelle trattative rispondono “dipende”. Da cosa?

Marianne Fröberg, Business Coach

“Comprendere e lavorare con il concetto di energia consentirà all’AD, ai dirigenti senior, ad altri leader organizzativi e membri del consiglio di potenziare e mantenere i fattori che sono decisivi per prestazioni aziendali eccezionali”.

Dedicated COACHES

Executive Business Coach, Managing Partner

Executive Business Coach, Partner