83% of people have been asked to become more creative, use problem-solving, and have a “think out of the box” mindset.
The value in fostering creativity in young adults starting from our childhood will be, moving forward, asked of and subsequently expected to be used through technology and AI programs.
To get the most out of the algorithms you will need an inquisitive mind; as it is the foundation of all creativity. One might wonder what those skills entail, and for that, we thank cultural diplomat, researcher, and artist, Clara Blume, who at the 2021/22 EXPO Dubai event, organized by Grasp Network, lays out for us the skills to train ourselves with an artistic mind:
- Curiosity – Sparks creativity for innovation. See what is already there, but look further to identify what is missing
- Abstract Thinking – Scope out a new language of expression and thinking
- Cultural Fluency – Seek inspiration from everyone and everywhere without limiting yourself
- Process Driven – Do not get tunnel vision
- Vision – Think and develop differently
Clara Blume also touches on the new advanced approach of humans interacting with art through the use of AI. Austria’s Art + Tech Lab approach paves the way for the future of cultural diplomacy and cultural relations.
To know more about how you can advance your mindset watch the talk.