In a world as undeniably complex, changing, dynamic and uncertain as today’s, what is the meaning of work in people’s lives?
We live in a time when the frequency with which people change companies and employers has increased exponentially compared to the past. What does it mean to live in a world where we change careers so quickly and so often? How do we define our professional identity in the constant transformations we witness and are embedded in?
How do these affect our relationship with the role we play and the professional relationships we engage in? Indeed, in a global and networked world, where do we draw the boundaries of collaboration?
A soccer field, a few selfies, an intern spending her workday in an elevator, an elderly woman making pasta with her granddaughter.
These are just some of the images and artworks, through which Anja Puntari, Business Coach and Visual Artist, at the Symposium organized by Grasp Network on the event of EXPO Dubai 2021/22, leads us to reflect on, more broadly, the issues and the relationship between ourselves and our workplace.
Watch the video with the full talk!